#otherwise i get a “i saw it in the fade lol”
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ametunns · 2 days ago
THIS CONCEPT IS SO FAMILIAR WITH THE CAGE. And this idea can't leaving me-
Below I'll discuss the character Keeper in the BATDR; some guesses about the role of this new character in the Cage. Enjoy reading!
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# The Keepers. In the BATDR >>>
ofc in the ink world this versions of the Keepers are works because -
a giant gear in the spine is not bad for balance when picked up a weight stuff in forward;
the third hand is nice for supporting a thing or a person (not just for correcting its back lol/j);
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ability to flying is actually about movement, way to make a painful high-speed strike by massive left hand / catching by right hand. Рerhaps "crawling" on appendages rather than legs makes it easier to walk around the ruins of the studio. And once again - they can fly.
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Despite the fact that they have yellow inside, which indicates the presence of a soul, they do not react to the Signal Towers. I can only suggest that Wilson created "Yellow ink", and inside Keeper are not "Golden ink". Otherwise the Golden ink would have provided a link to Demon power, and metal octopus would have been against Wilson sooner or later.
...I personally think that it is easier to get the lost one's soul with the help of saws, and then start changing the soul in order to place it inside something. Like make a "soul semblance" - "Yellow ink" as I called it; get fairly similar minds, which is ideal for Keeper.
In case he's design looks silly, slowly moved, pretty blind because of the game mechanic-
but if you take them as those who can:
performs certain tasks,
move through space almost without interference,
catch the intruder,
conduct an experiment,
or even performing small construction work (for example, conducting power grids through a train tunnel)-
Within the framework of the lore of the world, these creatures, as they are, have done a lot.
# But what about the previous version of Keeper? Let's check out >>>
This creation is much more complex than would be seen...
Yes, we saw how Boris was turned into Brutal. That the mind can be partially rewritten. The sawing process also has a rewriting process. But-
A hybrid of a living mind and metal structures for the first experiments...it sounds like rewriting biology so that the body doesn't go crazy and start self-destructing because of unperfected souls and the realization of what they has become. And even Wilson can't make a perfect soul if he invited Audrey in the Cycle.
...Aaa-and also can tell about the REAL HUMAN in IT'S CREATION AND BLOOD...but a little later-
Attempts to create Wilson own being is unstable...and that is why we'll can meet them in a Cage!!! :D
# Details in the photos >>>
First thing - is another hoses behind;
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Second - he had 3 hands, and maybe one of them (as possible 4 hand) is free from the lockers; you can also see that the lower hand is thinner and the plate on the outside of the palm glitters;
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Last thing - a familiar detail.
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Nothing more...
but a general similarity to the concept
# His role in the Cage. Theories and thoughts >>>
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It's interesting things...Let's back to the thought that it can be a human. How much it will affect the story? Well-
Role #1 - He's a living proof about experiment of humans.
...the Gent corporation literally drowned people in ink ("Fade of Black");
And there is a temporary antidote to ink in the form of the chemical "iron oxide", which also resembles blood ("The Lost Ones");
It seems that through chemistry and past research, Wilson was able to create colored ink, a way to get back to the real world, and in collaboration with Alice, who lives in half of his house, and with Ink Machine, he was already beginning to think about creating a Keeper. About getting "the first good soul"...Pick out the right clothes, became anyone from Arch Gate Pictures, not just a humble cleaner. But after understood the difficulties (let's say, with blood) and maybe managed to update the methods for creating ink creatures...And my theory "Yellow ink" from Lost Ones.
Due to the details, a human being in the creature is doesn't't look like something unexpected, but it would definitely be intriguing.
Role #2 - If he's able to talk, new information about the corporation. Maybe even about Alan Gray. Maybe gives some hints of how getting away from the Cage idk just a thought-
A human being who was trapped into a monster for someone else's purposes it's pretty similar to Henry...ahem
Role #3 - Abilities of the blood. Perhaps we'll see hints of blood power in Lone Wolf. But in essence - there will definitely be something new...and something more powerful.
...What role will he play for the Henry.. it's unclear:
It's easy to say - this is the enemy who thoughtlessly wants to kill the hero.
It's easy to say - we can have a possible "free it" quest for game necessaries.
Possible to say - two points together 🤝
The last thing what I wanted to say:
‼️ I'm praying LIKE HELL he's not leaked FOR A COUPLE OF SECONDS like it was with all the new BATDR characters. Like Sammy-🥲
thank you for reading! If you have any ideas or thoughts, comments please! I'll be interested ⭐
☕ Have a good time!!
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shadovvheart · 4 months ago
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lovebugism · 4 months ago
Hii i saw you wanted some smutty requests so here we go:
being frisky at the fun fair with maybe grumpy!eddie? 🤭 or whoever you think would be better.
absolutely adore your writing btw 💕
hi! this is me making sure i still know how to write lol! pls ignore any mistakes bc this isn't proofread hehe but i hope you like it anon! — eddie munson may hate the state fair, but he loves the hell outta you (established relationship, allusions to smut 18+ | 1.1k)
Eddie’s too proud for the mirror maze.
Correction: Eddie’s too proud to admit that he has no idea how to get out of the mirror maze. 
You hide your giggling behind your palm when he hits another glass pane with a resounding thud. The cartoonish sound echoes through the otherwise empty attraction, along with the boy’s whispered “Fuck!” he tries hard to hide under his breath. 
His fingertips disappear under his curly bangs as he rubs at his forehead, trying and failing to find the spot that aches. He spins on the heel of his worn sneaker, and you find his pretty features bathed in rainbow neon lights and hardened into a boyish pout. 
He glares when he catches you smiling in the face of his plight, doe eyes narrowing in a look of offense — as though you were the one making him run into every mirror.
“It’s not funny,” Eddie grumbles, now kneading his temple. “I wanna go home.”
Your smile only widens. “We still have to get outta here first, Eds,” you tell him, soft and sympathetic, as you pat gently at his chest.
The notion makes his pout deepen. His huff bounces off the glass-metal cage you’re both stuck in as he spins back around again — lest the pretty way you’re looking at him now makes him melt. “I can’t believe you talked me into this,” he mumbles with a shake of his wild head.
You watch him take a tentative step forward and grin at the back of him. “It’s your fault for being so in love with me,” you joke.
You expect him to turn around and glare again — or to laugh like it’s all a big joke and say, “In your dreams, babe.” But instead, he only sighs. And beneath the soft clanging of his hesitant footsteps against the silver floor, you hear him murmur under his breath, “Yeah, I know…”
His words trail off as he turns a sharp corner. A warning bubbles in your throat, then fades on the edge of your tongue a second later. Eddie rams into his reflection before he can blink. “Shit!” he curses, half-drowned out beneath your giggling and the echoing thud of his previous impact.
“Why don’t you put your arms out in front of you like a normal person?” you wonder through a bout of unbridled laughter.
Eddie grumbles something unintelligible under his breath. He rubs at his forehead with his ringed hand balled in a tight fist — not because he hit his head like an idiot (this time, anyway), but because the neon lights coupled with frustration are making his mind all swimmy. If there was anyone not built for a state fair, it was undoubtedly and unequivocally him.
Knowing this, you exhale a whimsical sigh and wrap arms both your arms around him. “Aw, Eds…” you say, still laughing slightly under your breath as you hug him by the waist. 
You rest your head on his shoulder and rub your warm cheek along the soft leather of his jacket. You peer up at him through your lashes and find his face all pinched together — but softened, still, by the emerald-ocean lights overhead.
“Want me to kiss it better?” you offer with a knowing lilt in your gentle voice.
Wordlessly, and never losing his pout, Eddie nods in the affirmative.
You rise to the tips of your toes and brush a kiss against his temple. The boy exhales a deep sigh through his nose before his tense shoulders relax slowly against you. ‘Cause underneath all the metalhead exterior, of course, is just a really big teddy bear.
“Want another?” you ask when you see the plea swimming in his wide brown eyes.
Eddie, however, shrugs unenthusiastically in response. “If it’ll make you feel better, I guess,” he mumbles, though his lips ache with the urge to kiss yours.
You seemingly know this as you wrap both arms around his neck like a snake trying to suffocate its prey before kissing the breath from his lungs. 
Eddie barely has time to take a breath before you’re licking into his mouth — wet tongue running warm along his chapped lips, body so close he can feel your languid heartbeat pounding against his chest. 
His head swims. His stomach swirls. His mouth waters for more. His head pulls back from you all the same.
“Whoa,” he mumbles, slightly slurred, as his lips click audibly from yours. His chcolate eyes are noticeably lidded, and his mouth is distinctly rosier. The sight of your work makes you grin, similarly kiss-struck. “What are you doing?” he wonders aloud, trying to laugh.
“Kissin’ you,” you answer like it’s obvious.
His heavy eyes flit past you to peer further down the maze. They dart wildly back and forth like he’s looking for extra bodies through the glass panes. Your smile widens. “Fair’s closing, babe. There’s no one else in here…”
You trail off and press your mouth to his neck. Not exactly kissing him there, just smoothing your lips up and down the thrumming tendon of his milky white skin. You hear him sigh like he’s annoyed by it all, but his ringed hands find purchase on your hips in surrender. 
“The shit you get me into…” Eddie huffs at the ceiling, eyes fluttering shut when your teeth scratch at his pulse.
“You love it,” you assure with a smile into his skin.
He squeezes at your hips, as though in warning. “That’s very presumptuous of you.”
“Is it?” you hum sarcastically while, at the same time, nudging at his crotch with your thigh — where you can feel his cock beginning to harden through the thick fabric of his jeans. “‘Cause it kinda feels like you love it.”
“I hate you,” you hear him announce in a low grumble, just before his hand reaches for your neck. You can feel the warm silver of his rings along the back of it when he grabs you there,  pulling you away from his skin to press his mouth mercilessly to yours.
Your back hits the mirror with a dull thud, and you try not to think about how Eddie had run into it minutes prior — lest you break into another giggle fit in the heat of the honeyed moment. You just tangle your fingers in the boy’s silky, wild curls and let him make a mess of you. 
It’s all teeth and tongue. So messy, you can feel a mixture of your saliva on your chin. He kisses you with a brutal adoration, like he’s biting into the sweetest of apples.
Eddie grabs your leg with the hand not cradling the back of your neck. You can feel his rings leaving indents on the warm skin of your thigh from how ardently he’s holding you as he urges your knee up to his hips. You wrap your calf around the back of him obediently, skirt creeping scandalously up your lap. 
A whimper sounds in your throat when Eddie grinds his hips forward, trying hopelessly to soothe the aching of his stiffening cock. The coarse denim presses mercilessly to the wet spot forming in your panties. The unforgiving metal of his zipper nudges at your clit. The world spins around you.
When white lights reflect suddenly in rays along the many mirrors around you, you figure it must be the stars in your eyes. Until someone bangs along the far wall at the edge of the attraction, anyway — a dense and distant thud, thud, thud — as though they were beating the glass with their fist.
Your heart lurches into your throat. You and Eddie part from each other instinctively, squinting at the bright light as you search for the person behind it. Through many layers of distorted glass, you find a figure all in khaki — wearing a cowboy hat and a gold badge on his chest. 
Chief fucking Hopper.
“You got one minute to get the hell outta here!” Jim demands in a distant, but no less stern voice.
Eddie gapes, stunned silent, as the throbbing of pleasure between his legs starts to ebb. He’s even more horrified when you start to laugh aloud to yourself, like all of this is funny to you.
“We’re gonna need a lot longer than that, Hop,” you shout back, still giggling as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “Eddie’s navigational skills are shit—”
Chest swirling with equal parts embarrassment, frustration, and longing (an albeit dangerous concoction), Eddie grumbles under his breath and reaches for your hand. “Let’s just fucking go,” he mumbles like a rumbling storm cloud as he leads you down the glass maze with a soft but unyielding touch.
“Wait— Watch out,” you caution when you catch him stomping in the wrong direction. 
Your words are punctuated by a metallic thud and Eddie’s pained shout. “Fuck!”
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uki01 · 4 days ago
Hello! I see you’re open to requests right now and I can also see that Sonic is one of your current hyper fixations (me too lol). I wanted to ask about romantic headcanons for Sonic, Shadow, Amy, Knuckles, Silver, and Sticks.
Common as it is, I’m a sucker for jealousy/possessive headcanons. How would these guys/gals stake their claim on their partner for everyone to know just who they’re with?
Gender of their partner doesn’t really matter to me just write how you feel most comfortable. And obviously if this has already been requested, please feel free to delete. Thank you!
Sonic The Hedgehog, Shadow The Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Knuckles The Echidna, Silver The Hedgehog and Sticks The Badger x Reader (Separately)
Author’s Note: Thank you for your request! I crashed out way too badly when I lost this draft so sorry if it took way too long!
Warnings: Possessive and Jealousy! Might be OOC, crying mentioned, insecurity mentioned.
“I think that it’s jealousy”
Sonic The Hedgehog
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Sonic thinks he’s too cool to be jealous, because what does he need to get jealous of?
He’s the fastest hedgehog there is, can spin dash, spin ball, turn Super, has an attractive personality, charming and super cool
And best of all, he’s got the best and hottest/handsome boyfriend/girlfriend/partner ever! And they feel the same way and think he’s the coolest person to be around, he’s way above getting jealous?
ERRH! 👹. Wrong.
When he sees you with someone, he doesn’t think too much of it, just friends chatting, nothing wrong.
That is until they start getting close to you… incredibly close, that’s when his cocky attitude starts to falter
He zooms by and just happens to see you and you’re ‘friend’! What a coincidence!
Sonic then either starts showing off to you his tricks or dragging you off somewhere away with some excuse.
“Yo Y/N I heard there was this eating 200 chilli dogs contest! I need you to be my cheerleader!”
“Hey hey hey! If it isn’t my favourite person, Y/N! Speaking of, I heard there’s this parade going on! You love parades right? Well why wait! Let’s go!”
“Y/N what a coincidence! Say, I am making a band right now, why don’t you be my singer! You have a lovely voice!”
You don’t find this odd since Sonic’s always dragging you god knows where but it’s funny how it always happens after a friend starts to get close or you two laugh together like hyenas? How strange.
After a few days of being dragged somewhere after laughing with your friend. You ask Sonic what’s going on, which he acts all innocent when you ask that question, great, now something is definitely going on.
You then ask Sonic why has he been acting weird since you keep chatting with you’re friend and he happens to be there, he denies it again, then it clicked, you then asked if he’s jealous then he starts fumbling over his words.
”Jealous? Me? Nah! Pffft! I am way to cool for that”
Of course, this guy smh… 🤦🏽‍♀️
You tell him to be honest otherwise you’re sleeping on the couch, which his grin fades and starts being honest (finally).
”Okay okay sheesh… yes, I’m jealous… but you saw how your friend got close to you! They were putting their arms all over you non stop! I swear they have a crush on you! You know I don’t like that!”
Oh, it was just that?
You laughed at him, he starts to pout, what a funny guy, you kiss him then reassure him that there’s nothing going on between you and you’re friend, which he does calm down and softens up a bit.
”I… I’m sorry I reacted that way babe, I just don’t want to lose you, you know? You are one of the best people that’s happen to me and I value you a lot”
Awww, even if he’s a pain in the ass he’s genuinely a sweetheart and does want to make sure you are comfortable and safe.
Overall, Sonic’s annoying when he’s jealous, starts to do outrageous tricks, it’s embarrassing and he knows it so please stop him.
Rating Jealousy Level: 7/10
Shadow The Hedgehog
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Shadow, where do I start with this hedgehog.
So first things first, Shadow’s like a guard dog, always glaring at those who dare to lay their eyes on you and is practically ready to jump on away that dares to make a move on you, even kids (RIP to my bro, Tails).
I mean, you don’t entirely blame him, he watched his best friend/older sister figure, Maria get shot right in front of him while he was powerless and couldn’t do anything to stop it from happening. So you just let it happen… most of the time.
So when he sees you and your friend chatting away, being all friendly with each other. He starts glaring and basically scowling at your friend.
Shadow stands very close to you while you are chatting with your friends, basically glaring at your friend telling them eye to eye back off.
Which your friend then does and tells you they have to do something. Confused, you turned to Shadow who just says.
“They aren’t worth your time”
More confused but shrugs it off. But this has become a regular occurrence nowadays.
Not that Shadow wasn’t naturally protective, he was definitely, it was just every time you go to see your friend, always scaring them off with a stare, and always saying things like they aren’t worth it or just not something to waste your time on.
“You always talk to them, why bother waste your time with some pathetic moron who doesn’t know how to keep their distance”
“Y/N, you should stop wasting your time on this person, they aren’t worth the trouble”
“Why even bother with them? They don’t know how to keep hands and feet to themselves, they probably don’t even wash after getting their disgusting hands on you”
You are surprised by his behaviour, but you found out that he does this when your friend gets closer to you.
Shadow wasn’t the type to do something without thinking, so something must be going on his mind right now.
When Shadow came back from a mission with Rouge and Omega, you ask him why is he acting so hostile towards your friend, of course he denies what you say and doesn’t know what your talking about.
Yep, somethings going on.
You ask Shadow again what’s going on, he denies it again and says this that clicks in your head.
”I am fine, why don’t you go waste your time blabbing about with your friend”
Ohhhh, so that’s why he’s been acting this why
Aww, poor guy, you then ask him if he’s jealous and if he denies it again you’ll go talk to your friend.
His silence for a bit, then speaks up, admitting his own hostility.
”Fine… yes, I am, but don’t you see how they look, put their hands on you. They keep coming on to you like your some prize, I greatly despise my partner being treated like one when they are not and they should respect your time, boundaries and space, like I do.”
Oh my god, he’s such a cutie you just wanna squish his face.
You reassured Shadow that nothing is happening between you and your friend, giving him a kiss on the forehead which he immediately relaxes too, ashamed at his own weakness.
”I’m… sorry… I’m just… afraid of losing you, to someone who can’t even protect you, you worth so much and deserves justice, I promised to Maria that I will protect the world, and I promise to you that I won’t let anything bad happen to you my love.”
Ugh, my Shayla ☹️💔🫶🏽
Overall, Shadow’s like a viscous dog when he’s jealous, so please be on the lookout for him and make sure he doesn’t cause too much damage and reassure this man.
Rating Jealousy Level: 10/10
Amy Rose
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Amy is such a sweetheart, always making sure you are comfortable, this relationship is fair, great communication and both are safe and healthy!
So in a way I do see Amy being jealous but not to where she’s batshit crazy, no no no, I can never for my gorgeous girl.
Amy’s more of a type that whenever she sees someone being way too friendly, she steps in and asks what’s going on, if nothings going on, that’s all fine by her!
But when she does see your friend be waaay to close for her liking, she gets a bit annoyed
She then walks into the conversation, as if she just happened to be there!
Asking what’s going on or what’s the tea?
“Heeey Y/N sweetie! Hello Y/N’s friend, so! I just saw you two chatting! Sooo, what’s the tea?”
“Oh! Hi Y/N! Isn’t it fancy seeing you here! I was just walking by and see you chatting with?… ah, that’s your name! Anyways! What’s going on here?”
“Y/NNN!~ Hii baby! It’s so lovely to see you here! I see you are just chatting with this person? What’s going on? You two seem, very lively, hapoy and giggly so I figured I asked, what’s all the giggles I am hearing and what’s it about?”
At first, you didn’t think too much of it, just your girlfriend, Amy strolling by, seeing you and your friend and asking what’s going on.
But now it’s been a regular thing where you’ll be chatting with your friend and Amy just happens to pass by, weird? Is she following you?
You two were always happy in this relationship and had great communication, is there something missing that you aren’t aware of?
You decided to go ask Amy what’s going on and how do you keep finding you and your friend.
She starts fumbling her words a bit, when your friend is mentioned, oh, now you get it.
You ask Amy if she’s jealous which she replies to
”Me? No no no! Of course not! It’s just you and your friend!”
You slightly giggle at this and ask again, remaining her that communication is important, which she sighs and responds sheepishly.
”Okay yes… I’m jealous, but I just saw them always hanging with you and I know they’re your friend but I never knew they would be this close to you! I couldn’t help myself and insert myself in the conversation… I’m sorry sweetheart.”
Aww this poor baby, she’s so sweet.
You kiss her, hold her hands, get her to look at you and tell her, reassuring her you aren’t going anywhere.
Tears and smile appearing on Amy’s face as she jumps and hugs you tightly as she wraps her arms around you.
”Oh thank you so much sweetie! I promise I will tell you when I’m feeling this way next time! I love you so much sweetheart!”
What a wonderful woman, get yourself a woman like Amy Rose
Overall, Amy isn’t too bad like Sonic or Shadow, she’ll just hop into your conversations with your friends whenever she feels this way, in which you personally don’t mind but remember to remind her that you aren’t going anywhere and your happy in this relationship with her.
I mean come on, you’ve got Amy Rose.
Rating Jealousy Level: 5/10
Knuckles The Echidna
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Let’s be for real, Knuckles? Has zero clue.
Dudes spent his entire life dedicated to the Master Emerald, guarding it from any potential threats (cough cough Rouge cough Dr Eggman cough cough).
Knuckles maybe gullible but he isn’t that oblivious. Especially if his partner is in the wrong hands.
As soon as he sees your friend getting way to close and touchy you with, he gets his fists to talk your friend.
Think harder not smarter 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
He barges in the conversation and starts basically growling at your friend, telling them to back off.
“Hey! I don’t appreciate the way your getting close to my mate, so why don’t we play fair and step away from them!”
“You keep your arm away from there! What if they don’t want to be touched so much, haven’t you considered that before?”
“You need to stop talking so much and consider what your doing right now, keep your distance and hands off of my partner this instant”
Initially, you don’t see much of a problem until it becomes an every time thing with you and your friend.
With Knuckles constantly yelling at your friend to keep their distance and stop touching you was nice that he considers your boundaries but it was an all time thing now.
You knew he wasn’t good at social cues so you tried your best to ask Knuckles of why he’s always yelling at your friend every time.
”They just need to learn when they should stop and consider what’s right and worth for you”
You take this into consideration and it clicked, you asked him if he was jealous of you and your friends daily chats, which of course, he doesn’t know what it means, then you explained it to Knuckles and he humbly accepts.
”Jealousy? Well, yes I am, they shouldn’t be standing to close, I may not know too much but I know everyone needs space now and then, you too should have that right, I don’t want this person constantly going up to you every time, especially if they aren’t worth the effort and doesn’t have the strength to protect you in a way I can”
What a lovely humble echidna.
You give Knuckles a kiss on the forehead and tell him you are fine and reassure him that everything’s fine. He relaxes to this but keeps on guard.
”As you say dearest, please know that I am always available if need of assistance, I do value you and care for you a lot, and will and as always, will fight for your honour, I love you very much dear”
Ugh, Knuckles is such an underrated character, give him some love.
Overall, Knuckles’s like a guard dog, just like Shadow, make sure to keep an eye on him before he uses his fists for good use. Like always for Knuckles, think harder not smarter 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
Rating Jealousy Level: 6/10
Silver The Hedgehog
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Now Silver? Insecure and anxious
Yeah he does have telekinetic powers but he tends to overthink and worry if he’s good enough for you.
Silver’s future is messed up and in a worse state, wanting to have a better future for you and him to live, peacefully in.
So when he sees you chatting with a friend, the poor boy can’t help but feel insecure.
Silver would either stand with you or just which you away with his powers.
Which surprises you, this often happens when your friend are just done laughing or hugging.
As soon as you meet up with Silver when he lowers you done with his powers.
Silver tends to make random excuses like Sonic, but unlike The Blue Blur who is way more confident and good with it, Silver doesn’t sound too confident and is fumbling halfway.
“Why did I bring you here? Uhh… oh right! I saw these flowers!… and I wanted to ask you if you wanted… to.. sniff them?”
“Y/N! I!… Uhh.. brought you here because… it’s important! Come on!”
“Hey! Uh.. Y/N! I just wanted to… check on you?…”
You catch this behaviour of this, it becomes a regular thing when you meet up with your friend.
You then ask Silver why he’s acting like this, which he doesn’t respond, looking ashamed.
After looking at the floor he responds, sheepishly.
”Well uh… I just… saw your friend and… you seemed to be having fun with them… and I wanted to bring you here just to chat! Honest!”
Oh, ohhh now you get it.
You ask Silver if he’s jealous, which he fumbled and tries to deny it but fails.
”What? No no definitely not! Absolutely not! None of that! Really!”
You just give him a stare, waiting, he then sighs and admits it, shyly.
”Yes… I am jealous, I’m really sorry I drag you away from your friend, I just… when I saw you with them… I felt insecure and left out, I just wondered if I was good enough for you… I’m sorry for leaving your friend in the dust cause of my selfishness”
Oh my god, your and my poor baby
You give Silver a kiss, which catches him off guard till you hugged him, patting his back and quills, reassuring Silver that you aren’t going anywhere.
Tears fell out of his eyes, hugs you back, afraid if he lets go you’ll disappear.
”I am so lucky you have you, you don’t know how much I’ll do for you, I would tear the multiverse just to see your beautiful laughter and smile, I love you so much honey”
Oh my god, my Shayla 😔💔🫶🏽
Overall, Silver’s more insecure when he’s jealous, so please reassure this man with all your heart, he deserves it.
Rating Jealousy Level: 8/10
Sticks The Badger
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Sticks? Oh this girl is wild (literally).
She’s already paranoid, suspicious and feral when it comes to anybody she doesn’t know.
Sticks doesn’t hesitate, she will jump somebody if they make her or you uncomfortable, it’s on sight when she sees them.
So when she sees you with a friend and they’re getting too close and touchy, she’s jumping them.
On guard.
Nothing will stop her, touch Sticks’s girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, you’ll get dropkicked.
Not my words, it’s hers, trust.
“Back! Back you foul beast! Stay away from my beloved partner! And stop touching them!”
“Don’t get too close to my partner! Only I can hug them like that! Back off!”
“Hey you! Stop getting so close with them like that! They are my partner! Stay back!”
Dude, you gotta stop this woman before she’s causes more damage.
You notice how Sticks does this when you and your friend link up and chat.
You asked her one day which she denies.
”Nah it’s not like that, they just need to know to keep their hands off you”
Ahhh, so that’s what it is, you ask Sticks if she was jealous which she becomes defensive and denies it quickly.
”Jealous? Whaaat! No! That is just me protecting you from any potential threats!”
You laugh and ask again, which she denies, until few seconds later she admits it.
”Okay if it makes you happy, yes, I am. But can you blame me! They were touching you! Gross! Only I can do that! With your consent and keep going near you! They should watch out, you don’t need to smell their disgusting breath”
You laugh again at this, kiss her and holds her hands. Reassuring Sticks you aren’t going anywhere and nothing is happening.
Sticks is thankful and relived but is on guard.
”I am happy you are happy in this relationship, from now on, I will make sure nothing will brainwash my amazing girlfriend/boyfriend/partner! You are the best people that I’ve ever met! I hope this is enough for you as always, Usually I’m not this sappy but I love you so much babe”
Sticks is one of the best Sonic characters, give her more screen time Sega. Overall, Sticks’s is a loose wild animal, keep watch of her before she causes property damage please.
Rating Jealousy Level: 8/10
Author’s Note: Hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it isn’t up to your exceptions but hope you love this!
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cozage · 2 years ago
Hi hello yes uh-huh
I saw your requests are open (I haven't been on Tumblr for three months 😭😭)
And I love the works!
May I request a law and Kidd x reader (separate) to react to seeing their s/o's (always covered) body since there's all scratches and scars all over and they feel self-conscious about?
( I have a still fading scar on my thigh when I fell in a hole and a metal bar dug itself on it. So I guess that's my take lol)
A/N: I have a scar that I’m a little self conscious of so this was very cathartic for me to write!!! (Also I know Kidd has a scar kink you cannot convince me otherwise)
Characters: gn reader x Law, Kidd
Cw: This is very borderline NSFW, So read at your own risk.
Total word count: 1.2k
Beauty Scars
Law’s hand slipped under your shirt and gave it a tug. 
“Law, wait,” You pulled away from his lips, grabbing his hand to stop him from pulling it up further. 
“I want to see you,” he murmured, leaning into your lips again. 
You pulled away from his advances and he freezed. “Sorry,” he mumbled, his eyes averting away from you.
“It’s fine, really.” You could feel your face warming with embarrassment. 
“No, it’s not.” His hand ran through his hair, and you could see he was distressed at the thought of you being uncomfortable. “I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry.”
You grabbed his face and peppered it with kisses. Law tended to get a little carried away when the two of you were alone, but he always took your nonverbal cues and stopped whenever you were tense. 
“I’m fine,” you assured him. “I really am. I’m just a little self conscious of my body, that’s all.”
His eyes locked with yours. “You’re perfect, I assure you.”
You smiled slightly at his comment. He hadn’t seen the scars on your body yet, and a piece of you was afraid of what his reaction would be when he saw them. You knew he wouldn’t stop loving you, but it would hurt to see him grimace at your body. You hated it enough as it was, you didn’t need another reminder of its imperfections.
Still, you wanted to get it over with sooner than later. Your fingers gripped the bottom of your shirt, and you slowly pulled it up. You closed your eyes to avoid seeing his initial reaction, but you heard him gasp in surprise. You tossed your shirt aside and opened your eyes, finally risking a peek to see his reaction. 
His eyes examined you, taking in the view of your exposed body. After a few moments, he glanced up to meet your gaze. 
You suddenly found yourself feeling very uneasy, and your arms wrapped around your torso, trying to hide. 
“Fuck,” he whispered softly, eyes moving back down your body. “You are beautiful.”
Your cheek burned. You were not expecting that reaction from him. He grabbed your hands, gently prying them away from your midsection and intertwining his fingers with yours so he could have a full view of you again. He leaned into you, kissing your lips slow and soft, before moving down to your neck.
He covered your shoulders in kisses, and when his lips reached one of your scars, you gasped at the contact.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” He pulled back, his eyes scanning your face.
“I’m fine,” you assured him. “I just wasn’t expecting it. I thought…” You trailed off, not wanting to say any more.
But Law never lets you get away with things that easily. “Tell me,” he urged. He pressed his forehead against your own, maintaining eye contact with you the whole time. 
“I thought you’d find them off putting,” you admitted, your eyes cast downward in humiliation. “I thought you'd hate them.”
You can feel his brow furrowed in confusion. “Why would I hate them?”
“Because I do.” You had never said it out loud before, not to another person. Most people didn’t even know your body was riddled with scars. You always wore long clothes and avoided changing in front of people to avoid the stares and the questions. 
You could hear Law sigh sadly at your comment, and you felt him squeeze your hands in reassurance. He bent down and softly kissed the first scar he could find. And another, and then another. 
“Your scars are proof that you’re alive, y/n-ya. They’re proof that you’ve lived, and you’ve struggled, and you’ve overcome it all.”
He leaned back up, kissing you once on the forehead before meeting your eyes again. “How on earth could I hate such beauty?”
“Fuck!” you shouted, coffee spilling down your shirt. The crew erupted into laughter, and you smiled along with them at your clumsy mistake. “Be right back.”
You got up from your seat and ran back to your room to change. Once inside, you pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it aside, looking through your drawers for a new outfit. 
“Holy fuck,” a deep voice came from the doorway, and you let out a yelp of surprise. You turn, finding your captain standing in the doorway. He’s smirking at you, eyes raking over your body. 
“Captain! I…” Your voice falters as he steps over to you, staring hungrily at your body. You shy away from him, but he pulls you in close, his fingers tracing over your shoulders and down your arms. 
“I didn’t know you had these.” His gaze follows the trail that his hands have created down your torso. 
“I know,” you say, ashamed by how intensely he was staring at you. “Its-”
“So fucking hot,” he growled. As you watched him, you could see he was holding back, trying to refrain from pouncing on you right here and now. He still hadn’t made eye contact with you. He was completely transfixed on your body.
He grabbed your hand and pulled it up to his lips, kissing the scars that littered your arms. “Do you remember the stories of how you got them?”
Your mouth falls open, shocked by his reaction to something you spent years loathing. Your eyes begin to water, overwhelmed with your lover’s reaction. You wished you could love yourself as much as he loved you. 
His thumb ran over a scar on your forearm, his lips following closely behind. “This one. How’d you get it?”
“I don’t remember,” you admit. “I have so many all over, it’s hard to keep track.”
He looked at you, mischief in his eyes. “All over, huh?”
You started to object, but before you can get any words out, his lips are smashing into yours. His hands trail down your torso and hover at the waistband of your pants, waiting for you to approve of his venture. 
You hesitate for a moment, and then your fingers join his, tugging your jeans down past your waist. His lips leave yours as he lowers to pull your pants down, letting them lay around your ankles. He is eye level with your thighs now, and you can hear him grunt as he discovers new scars of all sizes down your legs. 
His hands wrap around your thighs, and he pulls your legs to meet his lips. His tongue dances across your inner thighs, flicking lightly over the raised skin and scar tissue from a wound that happened years ago. 
You gasp, throwing your hands into his hair to steady yourself as you grind against his face. He doesn’t seem fazed, and you can feel him smile at your eagerness. “I can’t wait to explore your body,” he mumbled against your skin, kissing your tender flesh passionately. “I can’t wait to explore you.”
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layla4567 · 1 year ago
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Shanks x Mermaid!reader
Summary: You decide to stay with Shanks for a while and see what happens. You will discover that life will give you obstacles that you will have to face.
Warnings: Again fluff things (pretty corny), beta read, Shanks never loses his arm because I say so, kissing, sfw, a bit of angst near the end (but don't worry is a happy ending)
Wc: 4k
A/N: This will be the final part! I wasn't planning on making a second part but someone reblogged the previous part wanting it to continue lol (thank you for that I feel honored) So I got some inspiration, I hope you like it
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"YES! I KNEW IT! THAT'S WHY YOU WERE SO WEIRD!". Young Luffy said, jumping with his arms raised as he saw the two of you.
Shanks moved away from you a little and looked at the laughing boy.
"And when were you going to tell me that you were playing with a mermaid, huh kid?"
Luffy almost turned pale and ran away. You and the redhead burst into laughter along with the rest of the crew. Even in the pirate's arms he turned to see you again and give you a smile full of love. Your eyes expressed what words never could, they were shining in a special way at that moment as if you had the stars hanging from your pupils, shining just for him, like a gift. The captain, after looking at you for a long time in silence, swallowed and said.
"What will you do now (y/n)? Will you go back to the sea?"
Your smile faded a little and you could see concern in his eyes. An immense longing for you to stay with him. You didn't know what to say, was it worth going back to the bottom of the ocean after everything he sacrificed for you? Would you still call it home even if he wasn't there?
"Please stay with me… Just for a while at least". He begged in a low voice so that others couldn't hear him.
His tone of voice made your heart ache a little. He really wanted to stay with you, and honestly you did too. But you were worried about what could happen if you didn't return to the sea, your parents could start a war to search for you in the sky, land and sea. But when you saw Shanks' eyes you knew it was the right thing to stay.
"I will, I'll stay"
The smile appeared on the previously dejected pirate and grew larger. Very gently he made you wrap your arms around his neck and lifted you up holding your tail. He took care of you carefully out of the raft and put you on the boat.
"What are you doing standing there watching? Come on move and get something where she can be in the water!"
The pirates, as if they were dolls that had been wound up, moved quickly like ants trying to get something for you. You smiled amused, Shanks seemed like a good captain because his entire crew always obeyed and you knew that this was because they liked him and felt comfortable with him, otherwise a severe and feared captain would not have been able to obtain the same results because at any moment his crew could stab him in the back. He held you firmly against his chest and you moved the tip of your tail up and down, waiting patiently. Suddenly a pirate dragged a wooden bathtub full of water, it wasn't very big but you could get into it. The red-haired man gently placed you in the bathtub. The water was perfect, neither too cold nor too hot. You shook your tail happily, splashing some water as he looked at you smiling. The other pirates gathered around you, completely surrounding you and looking at you with curiosity as if you were a creature from another planet. Well, you certainly weren't something you saw every day, but it still seemed overwhelming to you. Shanks noticed your concern and ordered the others to move away.
"Oi cods, give her space, come on, move away and continue doing your tasks!"
Again, although somewhat reluctantly, the crew slowly dispersed to different areas of the ship. Only you and Shanks were left on the deck. He approached and crouched down to be at your height, he placed a hand on the edge of the bathtub and slid his fingers into the water, checking the temperature, moving them and playing with the sensation of the liquid on his skin. Without stopping looking at you with a smile
"I hope you can adapt and feel comfortable on this boat, and don't worry about them, sometimes they are a bit airheaded but they are harmless"
You laughed softly and he admired every inch of you.
"Do you think this will work?" . You said a little worried and your brow wrinkled upwards, always so expressive.
"We'll make it work, you'll see."
Your face relaxed, when you were with him you felt safe. Your fingers touched his that were still in the water and you took his hand, intertwining your fingers and giving it a gentle squeeze. They looked at each other smiling, sometimes words were unnecessary when looks could say everything, he didn't want to leave your side.. A couple of pirates had stayed in a corner looking at their captain with amusement while they laughed softly and whispered among themselves. Suddenly their giggles caught your attention and when you turned to see them they were shamelessly mocking each other by drawing hearts in the air with their fingers or pretending to hug themselves and cuddle while kissing the air. You couldn't help but burst out laughing and Shanks, who until now only had eyes for you, looked in the direction of the other two pirates and opened his eyes wide as he frowned and blushed slightly. Disturbed and ashamed, he jumped to his feet.
"Damn seaweed, didn't I tell you to get to work?!". He exclaimed exasperatedly as he addressed them with his hands up, chasing them away as if they were dogs while you were still laughing.
Little by little you were getting used to life on the boat. It was still difficult because due to your status as a mermaid and your tail you had to always stay in the water, but the wooden bathtub they had gotten you was perfect and they had also placed one in what was your new room, so the only thing I had was What Shanks did was pick you up and carry you to your room, and he was always happy to do it.
Shanks had decorated your room in the best way possible. I had placed some shells on a desk and hung starfish and seaweed from the ceiling, so you wouldn't miss the sea so much. That gesture had touched your heart deeply. Who knew a pirate could have such a soft heart? You imagined them to be heartless and malevolent but he was different. Fun, attentive, kind… your parents might have been wrong in judging humans. Every night he came to wish you sweet dreams and sometimes he stayed a little longer chatting with you until you fell asleep.
You were sleeping peacefully in the bathtub with your hands resting on the edge and your head resting on your arms when you heard in your dreams that a door slowly opened. You blinked several times until you opened your eyes. The morning light streamed in through the ship's round window. When you looked towards the door you saw Shanks standing leaning against the frame smiling at you. You finished opening your eyes and smiled at him.
"Hello sleeping beauty, ready to start the day?". The pirate said as he approached you.
You closed your eyes and smiled toothlessly as you stretched like a cat, wrinkling your nose tenderly. He squatted down and rested his arms on the edge of the bathtub.
"Did you sleep well?"
You finished stretching and feeling your body more relaxed, you sighed "Like never before, thank you."
"I'm glad to hear that. Well beautiful, how about we go on deck? Luffy is waiting for you"
I then slide my hands into the water and surround your tail to lift you up. You, who were still half asleep, let out a surprised shriek that made him laugh. As always, you surrounded his neck with your arms and, yawning tiredly, you laid your head on his chest. Shanks, who was not expecting this, felt his heart speed up a little. When you reached the deck, Luffy was already waiting for you next to the bathtub. He had his arms up to the elbows in the water and moved his hands playfully as he concentrated on seeing the inside of the bathtub. The redhead arrived laughing when he saw the naughty boy. Luffy, upon hearing his footsteps, quickly took out his hands, caught red-handed, and blushed.
"Oh hi! I was just uhh checking to make sure it's not too cold for you!"
"Yeah sure, and you looked like a lot of fun doing it". Shanks answered mischievously.
Young Luffy got a little nervous and the pirate laughed amusedly. After leaving you in the tub he shook Luffy's hair and walked away. The curly-haired boy sat on the ground while still looking at your tail in admiration. His little eyes were big and bright and you thought they were adorable.
"Luffy do you like my tail that much?". You said laughing
"Is that is so pretty! I've never seen a mermaid up close, and she looks like the color of Shanks' hair."
You turned to see the captain who was busy at the helm. "That's true."
And so I spent the afternoon with you and Luffy playing. He was crawling around your bathtub and you were trying to catch him. Throughout the ship the only thing you could hear was the laughter of the two of you. From time to time the red-haired captain looked at the two of you, smiling warmly.
"Catch you!!" . You exclaimed as you touched the boy's back with the tips of your fingers.
Luffy squealed laughingly as he felt the water slip from your fingers and wet his shirt. He got up exhausted from having been crouched for so long but as happy as ever.
"You're very fun, I like playing with you!"
"You are too, in fact you are the purest child I have ever met. You are like a little walking rainbow, always knowing how to come out at the right time and bringing joy to everyone". You said solemnly
The young boy smiled until his little eyes wrinkled and hugged you tightly, hanging on to your neck. You gasped in surprise and giggled and hugged him back, rubbing his back. Shanks watched the scene from afar, sighing tenderly. Being so good with the children, he couldn't help but think how good a mother you could be one day.
When the child broke away from your embrace, he whispered in your ear.
"Could you sing that song you taught me one day, please?"
Smiling motherly at his cute request, you nodded, satisfying his wishes. Luffy sat cross-legged on the wooden floor and clearing your throat you began to sing. Suddenly the entire ship succumbed in silence to hear your voice, as if you had put them under a spell. Without realizing it, the other pirates had gotten a little closer to you and had also sat down like children waiting for their turn to ask Santa Claus for their gifts. It was a beautiful lullaby, it talked about longing for the old days and enjoying the little things like the warmth of the sun or the blue sky. You intoned each note with your heart. Everyone was looking at you and sighing with their faces resting on their hands, the only one who didn't seem so surprised was Shanks himself since he had already heard you sing, even so it was always a delight to hear you as if it were the first time. At the end of the song everyone applauded happily, you shrugged your shoulders blushing and smiled shyly. You looked in the direction of the redhead and you smiled at each other, holding your gaze for a few seconds.
That same night when the captain took you to your room bridal style and left you in the bathtub, he stayed with you a while longer.
"It seems like you won their hearts out there, should I be worried that they'll pay more attention to you than me now?". He said playfully.
You laughed softly, shaking your head vigorously. "Never that. They love you, you can tell that you are an excellent captain for them."
He nodded smiling and then took your hand to kiss your knuckles "But I love you and no one else but you."
You blushed and smiled looking down as he massaged your knuckles with his thumb always keeping his eyes on yours.
"You know, I love that you get along with Luffy, he's someone important to me and…"
Shanks stopped there mid-sentence, suddenly not knowing how to continue. He wanted to share his thoughts with you but he was afraid that you would reject him or get angry with him.
"Yes? Please continue, what were you going to say?". You said anxiously
He swallowed hard. "Uh, I think… you'd be good with kids someday… if you wanted to."
You looked at him open-mouthed and you felt your heart hammering in your chest. Was he trying to say that he wanted to have a child with you? Your cheeks began to heat up slightly and you could swear that the water would begin to boil and evaporate if he stayed there with you any longer. You accidentally leaned closer to him and he did the same.
"Shanks.. do you meant it?" You breathed close to his lips, looking at them.
His gaze went from your lips to your eyes "Yes… but I don't want to force you into anything, it's just-"
You didn't let him finish. You crashed your lips into his in a passionate kiss. You swallowed his gasp of surprise, you just wanted to taste his lips and eat his mouth. He slowly slid a hand into the bathtub, searching for your tail. When he found it with his open palm he ascended, caressing you gently. His touch tickled your belly. When he reached your stomach he rose a little more and the warmth of his hand made you let out a weak moan. You placed your hands on his shoulders and circled your waist, resting his hand firmly on your hip. Before things could continue to heat up you separated, catching your breath. You saw that he kept leaning drunk and eager for your kisses and when his lips approached yours again you laughed softly and gently pushed him back.
"Good night Shanks, sleep tight."
He looked at you with sad puppy eyes and gave a slight pout that almost made you change your mind but you stood your ground, you didn't want to wake the others. He understood and gave up, walking away towards the door. Before leaving he told you
"Rest (y/n), and dream of me". He winked
You giggled at his playful tease. When he closed the door you sank into the water and closed your eyes, and as if it were some kind of visionary, that night you did dream about him.
For a crew to have a mermaid was a good thing and with your knowledge of the entire ocean and its depths, the pirates you lived with had to take full advantage of that. So since you couldn't move on land you would do it by sea. Every noon when the ship set sail they would take you down into the boat and you would go into the depths of the water guiding the ship towards safe areas or warning of any rock that could not be seen with the naked eye and could sink the ship and leading the way. You were their eyes while they were up there
That day, like so many others, they had put you on the raft and then lowered you into the water.
"Be careful down there, okay?". Shanks told you something fearful
He was very protective and not only of you but of Luffy as well. He knew you could take care of yourself but he couldn't help but worry every time he left you alone.
You placed a hand on his cheek, reassuring him. "Everything will be fine, don't worry."
A few minutes later, the crew lowered the raft and with a splash it fell into the water where with one jump you sank into the sea. You were faster than any fish so immediately the boat set sail and tried to follow you closely. You explored the deep ocean without finding anything alarming. From time to time you let yourself be carried away by the happiness that came from being in the water where you had grown up and greeting one or another dolphin that passed near you. Satisfied with your search, you stuck your head out of the water a few meters from the boat and shouted to them that you had found nothing and that everything was in order.
Relieved, they looked at you smiling and prepared the raft to get you back on. Happy you looked towards the horizon enjoying the view. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you noticed something was wrong. Suddenly a small whirlwind began to open in the water. At first it was small but as the minutes passed it grew. Like a black hole that swallowed everything. They hadn't noticed it yet but you turned pale and your heart raced, I already knew what it meant. The whirlwind now seemed like a tidal wave and the blue sky was being covered with gray clouds, as if a storm would break out at any moment. At that precise moment Shanks looked at the sky and realized what was happening. He ran to the railing of the boat, sticking his head out, and saw you there unable to move in the water.
Shanks noticed that the ocean currents were getting stronger and shaking the ship. Without thinking twice he let go of the raft, bringing the boat closer to you.
You swam with all your strength feeling like something was following you but you didn't know what it was. You jumped onto the raft and when they were lifting you something jumped out of the water and grabbed your tail, pulling it and pulling you back into the sea. You screamed and clung to the raft, when you turned to see what had caught you you saw that it was your cousin with her face twisted with anger.
"Traitor!! You went with the humans and abandoned us!"
"No! That's not true! Let me go!!". You exclaimed scared.
Shanks along with his crew raised the boat at full speed but now with two mermaids it was heavier and they had to use force. When the raft reached the top he leaned down to grab you and you clung to his arms, shaking your tail hard to get rid of your cousin who was holding you firmly like a tick. Shanks leaned closer and closer to try to lift you up and onto the deck but he made a serious mistake. By bending so much he was at the complete mercy of your cousin who was blinded by anger.
"So this is the damned pirate that took you away from us, YOU'LL SEE WHAT I DO WITH HIM!"
And with the strength of a thousand horses she grabbed him by the arms and threw him into the sea along with her, sending him to the bottom.
"NO CORAL DON'T DO IT!!!". You screamed in anguish, your face scrunched up in terror.
In panic you saw how she was taken to the bottom of the ocean and in desperation you jumped after her, while the aquatic whirlwind continued to happen and the sky continued to get grayer and grayer, shaking the boat. You swam with all the strength that your tail allowed you. Your cousin dug her nails into the pirate's shoulders and you saw how he writhed. Your cousin, who was older than you, was faster and had more resistance, so little by little she was moving away. Frightened, you watched as Shanks was losing strength and moving slower, closing his eyes. This lit a fuse in you and, frowning, you swam further and further until you reached her, you weren't going to let them take him from you, you weren't going to lose him. With a strong and abrupt push you pushed your cousin away from him. Your rage and determination were so great that the blow sent your cousin away and when she tried to follow you you were already swimming towards the raft.
You nervously placed Shanks' unconscious body on top of the wooden raft as best you could and then climbed onto it, protecting his body with yours as if you were a shield. They took you up quickly and when you reached the top they helped you get on and put the captain's body on the ground. He dragged you quickly and desperately towards him while the others gave you space.
Luffy approached, scared and distressed. "Would he be okay?"
Distraught, you turned to see him, he was in the middle of two pirates looking at you scared. You turned to see Shanks who still had his eyes closed but was breathing. You also wanted him to wake up so with all your heart you hoped and hoped that he would be okay.
You moved closer to his face and placed your hands on his chest, his wet hair sticking to his face. Your brow furrows upward and your face wrinkles with sadness.
"Please, please wake up! Tell me something!". He implored with moist eyes and a broken voice
But he was still unconscious and you didn't get a response. You couldn't help it and burst into tears. Luffy wanted to sit with you and comfort you but a pirate stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder. You clung to the captain's soaked shirt that was sticking to his skin.
"Please I want you to wake up. Don't leave me, I love you". You sobbed and rested your forehead on his chest.
A dead silence reigned on the ship. A couple of tears fell from Luffy's eyes. You felt terrible and deep down you felt like this was your fault. If you had not been so curious and so reckless, if you had listened to your parents and not approached humans, none of this would have happened. But another part of you didn't regret anything, because you had discovered a completely different and wonderful new world, you had met equally beautiful people, for the first time you had known what freedom was.
You were so deep in your thoughts and emotions that you didn't realize that Shanks had woken up. He slowly opened his eyes and when you heard a pitiful moan you raised your head with your eyes wide open. He began to cough and turned around to spit out the water he had swallowed. From afar Luffy shouted and clapped his hands happily. When the captain recovered he was still lying on the floor and you were on top of him. He looked at you smiling and a little tired but happy. You laughed and cried at the same time, relieved and letting out all the sorrows and emotions that you had saved. Shanks cupped your cheeks and placed his forehead against yours.
"I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you and-". You said between hiccups
"Shh don't say that, I would never leave you, I'm already here". He calmed you down.
It was like a balm. They both merged into a strong hug while the crew, always happy that their captain was safe, smiled with relief. Suddenly the redhead separated a little from you and whispered in your ear.
"(y/n) I love you too much and I mean it since I saw you, you have opened my heart. When I was under the water I realized something and that is that I can't live without you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?"
You felt your eyes glaze over again and you broke away completely to look at him before you could answer. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out something. When he handed it to you you saw that it was a ring, a wire hoop with a pearl set in the center. It was simple and simple but it seemed like the most beautiful thing in the universe and even more beautiful than if they had given you a diamond ring. The crew gasped in surprise. You covered your face with one hand and crying with emotion, you nodded your head several times. Feeling like his heart would burst out of his chest with happiness, Shanks smiled hugely and grabbed your hand to put the ring on it. The crew went crazy just like little Luffy and celebrating their captain's achievement they all shouted happily. Suddenly when the red-haired man finished sliding the ring on your finger you felt a tingle on your tail and you noticed that it started to glow. Shanks got up and you moved away and sat down, watching as your tail began to glow more intensely to the point of dazzling you. You covered your eyes a little and out of the corner of your eye you noticed how the tip of your fins was disappearing as if it were becoming invisible and some toes appeared in their place. The transformation continued until only two legs were left instead of your tail, you tried to cover yourself, embarrassed since you weren't wearing anything down.. Luffy opened his mouth in astonishment and a pirate covered his eyes so that he could not continue seeing.
Shanks saw you stunned but when he noticed that your legs appeared and that you were naked from the waist down he quickly took off his shirt and wrapped you in it.
"I-I don't understand why your tail disappeared?"
You looked at him smiling "When a mermaid commits to a human, she loses her tail and her status as a mermaid."
"Does that mean you're human now?"
You nodded, looking at him lovingly. You noticed that the waters were now calm and the sky clear again. Shanks approached you confused and crouched down next to you.
"You really gave up being a mermaid for me?"
"Oh love, I would go to the end of the world for you"
And you two looked at each other and, touching your foreheads, you felt that the best was about to begin…
"And what happened next!?". Exclaimed a small voice full of impatience
"Yes! What happens next? Come on, tell us!". Said another with annoyance
A tender laugh came out of a woman's mouth, while the children looked anxiously. "Well, let's say that the little mermaid and the brave pirate got married, had two beautiful children and lived happily ever after. Did you like it?"
The boy and girl sitting on the floor of the ship shouted happily in agreement while the woman laughed tenderly. Suddenly a handsome boy with a straw hat and brown hair approached the anchored ship and jumped up onto the deck.
"How are little Nerea and Luca?". He said smiling and looking at the children
The girl and the boy gave Luffy a big hug and you got up from the barrel you were sitting on and looked at them, feeling your heart warmer. Luffy has grown so much and now he even has his own crew called the Straw Hats. Shanks had given him his precious hat and now he cared for it like it was gold, he was so proud of it. Sometimes when Luffy had time he would come visit you two and tell about his adventures with pride. Although you were now the mother of Nerea and Luca, you still saw Luffy as a third son.
And talking about them you couldn't be happier. They both looked so much like their father. They had inherited her hair color, red as fire but Nerea had your eyes. And they both appreciate the pirate's personality, especially Luca. Shanks finished his work and came to your side, putting his arm around your shoulder and kissing your cheek. When the children saw him, they ran towards him.
"Hey flea! Come here darling"
The pirate lifted his daughter, kissing the tip of her nose.
"What about me?". Luca said a little sad and jealous.
"Oh you too, rascal, come." Shanks raised his son with his other arm, making him laugh. Luffy watched everything amused and you got emotional every time Shanks played with them. He was a loving father
In the end everything turned out well, you got used to your human life and you had built a beautiful and happy family. And you had seen Luffy grow up watching him become a pirate and captain of his own ship. You were proud of everything you had achieved and what your loved ones had achieved too.
But if it was about achievements, you couldn't leave your husband behind. He was with you through thick and thin, during pregnancy and when the twins were born. You looked at him and he looked back at you with a smile.
"I love you, you know that?". You said
"I know because you tell me every time you see me." He laughs "But I love you more."
He approached and kissed you lovingly, earning an eww from his children. Laughing Shanks tickled them and chased them around the ship with you running behind laughing happily, spreading joy. Yes, sometimes life takes away, but it also gives.
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I'm a slut for Disney movies (the classics especially) so after doing a marathon of classic princess movies and some live actions this is what came out :P
I just love fairy tales and happy endings 😭✨
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mllekurtz · 2 months ago
My 2024 in Writing
I saw @rowanisawriter do this and I thought I would give it a shot too!
2024 was not an easy year for me. It started out with a wave of creative energy, allowing me to get the bulk of the Shadowgast Witcher AU written down, then I got blocked in April/May, picked myself out of the gutter in June (and ended up discarding most of what I wrote then lol), wrote a bunch of shadowgast stuff I haven't posted yet in July and August, and then had some very, very bad mental health for a while, and spent basically the entirety of October napping on the couch with my cat and dog. Then Veilguard came out! I was so inspired by it, I've been happily writing Veilguard fic since mid-November.
Words written: 201k
Words posted: 46k
Days written: 229/366
Fandoms: Critical Role (184k words) and Dragon Age (17k)
Fics posted: Critical Role strange magic (commuter au) the end of all our exploring (pre-c3 fic) losing hand chapter 5 (part of my birds of prey series) Fox's Claw prologue (first bit of the Witcher AU sequel)
Dragon Age the art of mending broken things (Lucanis/Neve getting together) we all fall in love sometimes (act 2 Lucanis/Neve) the toughest part of the body (post-canon Rook/Neve) to fade or at least to kneel (act 2 Lucanis/Neve)
What I learned: that forcing myself to write when I feel down sucks, it just does, and I won't to do it anymore. I actually expected my annual word count to be much lower because of the Bad Mental Health months, but what I wrote when I was feeling good more than compensated for that.
I also noticed a switch from writing fics about characters getting together to established relationships. Falling in love has always been easy to write for me, but clearly my focus shifted to staying in love, which is just as interesting.
What I want to write next year: I have a long, long list of Veilguard fic ideas that I'll try to get through, most of them Lucanis/Neve, some of them featuring Aglais, my Rook. I will probably bury myself even deeper in rarepair hell because I've been having thoughts about some niche pairings that I'll turn into something at some point. I will definitely come back to shadowgast and work on my long wips, some of which could go to kindergarten by now.
Last thoughts: I write for myself, but I share for others. I am so grateful to anyone who's commented, kudosed, liked, or otherwise talked about my fics with me: most of my motivation to keep sharing my writing comes from you. I'm also happy for the new friends I've made, and for the old ones that stuck with me. ♥
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mayxo-hxh · 4 months ago
Hi, I love your take on Hisoka, it's made me view him in a different light. I was wondering what ur take on illumi is? Do you have any headcanons for him? I saw ur post on Hisoka being shy, do u think Illumi is the same? (If u have any hisoillu headcanons too I'd love to hear them) :D
Hello!! Im really happy to hear that :)
I have LOOOTS of hcs for the both of them!! Ive been fixated on these two for four whole years i genuinely have too much to mention in one post lol so if you have any specific questions about specific hcs, do tell me!! Its a bit difficult to answer very broad questions like this bcs i dont know where to begin haha;;
I can very confidently say though, Illumi is absolutely nowhere near shy. At least-- not by the definition. In my eyes, Illumi is a very blunt and straightforward person with no social filter. I do like to think when it comes to hisoillu in general Illumi gets flustered here and there when dealing with his husband like any normal human in love is to be. But when it comes to being an actual shy introvert like hisoka-- absolutely not. You can tell the difference between how Illumi deals with people vs Hisoka. Hisoka is like the textbook definition of an introvert-- someone who constantly avoids people unless he wants to be the center of attention (mainly negative attention so it keeps people away anyways)
General hisoillu hcs would be... I like to humanize them. I like giving Illumi moles, stretch marks and arthritis from his transformation and eyebags from the amount of times he stays up for his missions. Also scars from his training that are faded. For hobbies I like to think hes extremely interested in learning. Just learning. Whatever hes learning doesnt matter, but knowledge is a very prominent fact about him and the zoldycks in general. So while I hc hes extensively knowledgable about anatomy and the economic and political states of the world (those pretty much canon tho lol) and the world in general, I like to always write him extending his knowledge in fics like learning a new language in his spare time or reading books in general. I could expand much more on hobbies including people watching and hanging out with his siblings but i feel like if there is a tumblr word limit i would 1000% exceed it lol.
I like to give Hisoka freckles on his tan skin (in the manga his skin is quite tan) that he hides and many more scars that are also hidden like he'd hide his arm scars after machi healed them. also the one time togashi drew him with hip dips. I liked that! I like to give him a human backstory like initially having a family that he either abandoned or was abandoned by to go on his own journey (not necessarily tragic, though i do not think tragic backstories take away from a character no matter how evil tbh. If anything, I strongly believe that babies are blank slates when it comes to morals until theyre taught otherwise by their environment.) And positive hobbies like cooking for himself because he only ever relies on himself and doesnt trust anybody else, which also goes with the hc of him not being a fan of taking any medication so hes a "tough it out" girlie. which also consequently affects other hcs like my trans hisoka hc and him not getting top surgery until after he married illumi because he does not trust a mf to put him under during it but he does trust illumi-- ITS A LOOONG STORY
I also like to consider their reoccurring personality traits as symptoms for neurodivergence. Like Illumi's bluntness and overly honest personality being autism and his highly emotional sides to him being BPD (i do have a thread on that!) and for Hisoka his hyperactivity and addiction for stimulating fights as ADHD (the adhd video i made abt him covers some of it lol) and you could argue a personality disorder for him as well to match with his hubby.
Also the queer hcs like i mentioned, transmasc genderfluid hisoka that doesnt mind all pronouns that i also hc as demiaroace and pansexual/bisexual while for Illumi I hc him as gay demiaroace agender, etc. These help a lot in figuring out their identities too.
Stuff like that are just the "layouts" for them in my brain that help me immensely when writing fics for them. You have to know everything extensively for the actions that they make to come naturally so when you throw them in a situation, you immediately know how they'd react (ex: sick hisoka would refuse to take meds, or more specifically like in my fic tolerate me darling hisoka was cramping and refused to take pain meds for it so illumi had to use his pins etc etc)
Those are pretty much the surface hcs i have for them that I always consider when it comes to any scenario or extra hc or fic/art or anything. For anything very specific, you'd have to ask about it for my brain to remember ehehe ^^
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l-in-the-light · 5 months ago
Chapter 1127 comments & analysis
Strawhats adventure in a mysterious kingdom uncanny valley! This chapter for some reason gives me Silent Hill-like creeps and I thought I would never say that about One Piece lol. It's filled with those tiny little things you can spot only at the corner of your eye or details that make you feel uncomfortable for a reason you can't exactly put into words. It gives similar vibe to the famous Maria scene in the maze, everything seems fine on the surface, but the vibe is offputting.
As much as I enjoy saying "I have no freaking clue what's going on and I love it", I actually do have some guess. But first let me start with the analysis, so you know what details I mean and what I actually consider offputting in this chapter, and at the end of this post I will try to put it all together into a cohesive theory:
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Okay, let's start from the Giant's comment about "enormous" animals. Yeah, they're enormous and huge alright, for the Strawhats. For the Giants? They would be the size of small pets.
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Yggdrasil seems suspiciously small too, it should be massive. They also make it sound like their country will disappear if Yggdrasil gets damaged, but it's supposed to be a world tree, not just "this country's tree". Whatever affects Yggdrasil would have to affect the whole world and all the different realms it supports, not just "one country".
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This is not how a destroyed lego brick would look like. For those who forgot most of their childhood's toys already, the bricks have to be hollow and have proportionally shaped holes too, otherwise you won't be able to stick them together!
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Weird fade to black when Nami and Usopp fell to the ground. One Piece never does things this way.
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Now let's take a look at the castle, I adore it, I want it as a lego set, but that's beyond the point. This doesn't look like an actual castle, lots of those towers serve no purpose. It's like someone merged different parts together unsure what's the castle's actual function. It reminds me of very surreal things the early AI art did very often. So this borderline counts as "impossible architecture".
Now let's go for the most fun part of it: inconsistencies in Strawhats clothes, equipment and behaviour!
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Nami saying "just zap it!" instead of her "thunderbolt" attack? Never happened before, no matter how stressful the situation was. That's the whole point of Nami's fight with Miss Double Finger, no matter how much her climatact was failing her and how much it put her in danger, she still shouted out every attack's name like it's a sacred ritual.
Nami's belt buckle also changed from oval to square, and her sword is missing a couple of times. Missing once could be considered a coincidence, but it's been missing 6 times! And yes I know Oda often makes blunders like that, but that's way too much and it doesn't affect only Nami.
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Surprisingly enough, Nami never used Usopp as a shield before. In fact their usual interactions are exactly reversed. Reminder from Wano:
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It's basically Usopp treating Nami as a shield.
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It's also quite unusual for Nami not to ask about Usopp's wellbeing or not apologize to him for using him as a shield, because Nami usually cares more about his crewmates than this.
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Now let's take a look at Usopp. Not only was he carried in the cat's maw before Nami helped him, he also saw the cat getting zapped. Those are the facts, right? And despite witnessing that he still thinks the cat might be an illusion that can't hurt them, which is weird, because:
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Usopp is definitely more observant than that usually. His reaction should have been more along the lines of "no way, he got zapped and I felt those teeth on me just a moment ago, that was definitely not an illusion".
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Also despite knowing Perona's tricks are just tricks, he's still getting scared when he sees her doing stuff like that. Usopp as we know him would not stop to test out if the illusion is real on himself. I wouldn't say he's a coward, but yeah, he is a coward. That's why we like him, right?
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Usopp swearing revenge on Nami seems also a bit out of place, considering how impressed he was with Sanji in Punk Hazard. "It's fine if I get hurt, as long as Nami is fine". Usopp wouldn't react with "I'm so proud of you" if he didn't believe in same stuff, right?
Also, occassionally, Usopp's bag disappears.
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Sanji's swirly eyebrow randomly switches from left to right.
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Some dedicated Sanji fan on tumblr also pointed out Sanji would never say something like that, because he's deadly afraid of most, if not all, bugs. I admit I forgot about that fear of his, so I can't take credit for noticing that myself!
Also in the second picture I posted here, Sanji's attack is called epaule which means a shoulder attack. But he strikes the cat on its head, destroying the crown instead. So that's also another inconsistency.
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Luffy's clearly not in G4.
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Luffy's weapon randomly changes. At first he has nothing, then a sword, and finally an axe.
Also in one of the translations he says that the rabbit "was tasty enough already" and so he isn't interested in eating the cat. Like hell, Luffy would never say that line. Refusing food? No way.
Summing it up, there's like 3 inconsistencies with each of the Strawhats:
Luffy (his weapon changing, refusing food, Gear 4 attack that isn't G4)
Sanji (not afraid of bugs, his eyebrow switching, his shoulder attack landing on head instead)
Usopp (not observant/not sceptcial and suddenly brave, resentful towards Nami, also his bag is missing)
Nami (not naming her attack, not apologizing to Usopp, her sword missing)
Literally the only character I couldn't find anything wrong with was Zoro. He would definitely comment on lion turning suddenly into a cat, he would wonder where's the ship and how the rest of the crew is doing, and his attack seems accurate.
So, what can we conclude from this? I have two possible directions here. Let's start from the most likely one: Strawhats got kidnapped/spirited away by some supernatural beings. Often fairies are the ones responsible for such incidents (tho mostly kidnapping children). And coincidentally, the alcohol Strawhats drank was called "Green Fairy". It could be the first clue.
In Scandinavian folklore the equivalent of fairies or dwarfs are the trolls and giants living within the hills and mountains or in the deep forests, kidnapping humans to eat them. A troll who learned a child's true name could exert control, making them vulnerable to abduction.
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Kidnapping humans to eat them? Might explain human bones scattered around!
Trolls are said to possess magical powers, like shapeshifting and creating illusions, they can transform themselves to look just like anyone, even people that you know well. They can even transform into objects, like a rock, or a ball of yarn to trick people. They also can use their powers to alter people's perceptions. They often show us illusions that seems not exactly correct, because they're based on whatever physicality the trolls themselves can imagine. Trolls sometimes put their gold in the sunlight so it retains its shine, but to prevent it from being stolen they can create illusions so the gold looks like cobwebs in people's eyes—and there are many stories of people visiting fantastic troll halls.
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We definitely saw some shapeshifting happening, alright. Most people speculate it's something caused by a devil fruit powers, but it doesn't have to be :)
Trolls are often depicted as living their lives much like humans, with families and communities of their own. No one really knows how trolls truly look like, because of their shapeshifting abilities and many contradictionary accounts about their appearance. Trolls' were also said to be skilled weavers and needlewomen. If you are invited to their place, do not eat or drink or you will be stuck there. If you were spirited away, there was more than one way to protect yourself or get saved; you could use blessings, pure steel or fire against the troll. In Norse tröllskapr can mean wizardry or witchcraft. It's unknown exactly how trolls enter our reality, there are many different concepts about that.
Other possible explanations:
Huldrefolk. They are social, mischievous elf-like beings who live beneath the ground in hills or burial mounds. They often resort to kidnapping people and even forcing marriages with humans. “Huldrefolk” is actually not their true name, but a taboo name meaning “the hidden people” as if it’s dangerous to say their true name. The huldrefolk are invisible, so most people don’t actually know what they look like. Sometimes they're depicted as living normally among humans, but in their own special dwellings, other times they have their own islands on which they live, hidden from our world and perception. Occassionally they can help someone who got lost at sea and transport them to one of their hidden islands. If you find it fascinating and want to find out more about huldrefolk, I reccommend you this article.
Thjazi, the Jotun who can turn into an eagle, could have kidnapped people or giants. He's most known because of this story in which he kidnapped a goddess to steal her immortality apples, thanks to which Giants live for centuries. We do see an eagle emblem in the castle, so that could be a hint or reference to that story:
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We're not in Elbaf, but in Jotunheim, one of the nine realms in Norse Mythology. That's the realm where only giants live. The description of it doesn't really fit with what we have seen so far of the "mysterious kingdom" though, it's supposed to be fiery and freezing. But it's worthy to note that the description of Ragnarök (the nordic end of the world) states that the Nine Realms are destroyed by fire and flood. And in this chapter we learn that fire is dangerous for this world and might cause it to cease to exist if it reaches Yggdrasil. Could also potentially explain the weird material everything is build from and artificial plants, it could be to prevent fires.
What we're seeing could be an otherworld, one that can easily shatter or break apart like scattered lego bricks. A shaman is a person who can travel between worlds/realms by using a hallucinogenic substance (it's usually mushrooms, but sometimes it's in a form of a drink - Green Fairy could be that), or entering a trance state by, for example, dancing or fasting. The shaman must typically undergo a ritual of death and rebirth in order to acquire their powers to cross dimensions, and we know Luffy and Zoro came back from the dead at least once already.
"Green Fairy" could be actually a drink that came from the gods, kinda like Mead of Poetry. Strawhats are just drunk, but whatever they experience will be prophetic in nature. Because there is a belief that whatever a person who is drunk says is considered true, sacred, and taken very seriously.
Now, which do I personally think it is? I have a soft spot for the otherworld idea, but it's most likely a prank done by Trolls. Strawhats seem to be have been kidnapped while drinking something possibly related to the trolls/fairies (which makes them stuck in whatever place they currently are in, which is also most likely a shapeshifted reality, an otherworld or one of those fairy islands, though it's curious there's no sea nearby). I also think the trolls shapeshifted into other Strawhats - they could turn into them because Nami called them by their names (which can explain absence of Chopper) and by doing that she gave them power to turn into them (all the troll needs is a name, after all).
I suspect Zoro (and maybe Nami) is the only real Strawhat present there right now. It might have been real Nami at the start, before she fell down and got "replaced" by a shapeshifter, while real Nami is still unconscious (tbh Nami's case is the one I'm least confident about). That's also a plausible explanation. Which means the Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Luffy we see currently are all fakes. And if that's correct, things will become even more fun in next chapters :D
One last thing I want to note: seems in this dimension animals are considered gods. We have Ear God that is a huge rabbit, Stingmores (though those might not be gods), and a Sun God and following the pattern my guess would be that Sun God is also an animal. Perhaps lion? It was wearing a crown, after all. It's not based on Scandinavian culture, but there are links between a lion and sun.
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loveandleases · 6 months ago
hellooooo, I really love well...the idea of love and leases!! lol I saw another person read it as love and leashes at first and honestly same 🤭 are there going to be any nsfw scenes in the actual IF? just curious!!
Reading how the ROs are, I can just imagine my anime-loving hopeless romantic MC who's also oblivious to love and inexperienced trying to romance M lmaoooo. like phew...they haven't even had their first kiss either so oh boy good luck to these two fxnsjdjjdsjs. okay but just imagine they're watching some romance anime and suddenly during a scene MC is trying to act it out to flirt with M...like would they play along? just be flustered? :D
nah but fr I love seeing older ROs w no experience, it makes me feel so seen. the only romantic relationships I've had really were online and I never met them irl so I haven't really gotten the chance to experience it in-person. it's so comforting seeing similar ppl even in a game 💕
I now regret not naming it that. Would have suited it. Yup, there will ne NSFW scenes in game. (with option to skip/fade to black).
The both of them would be so awkward and cute, might even need some outside help! M would definitely play along. They can be pretty oblivious so its likely they would think it was simply just yo roleplay and nothing more unless MC says otherwise.
M can be so flustered snd slso brazen. Because imagine they then view this as good learning material for their writing. So they would then want to try certain methods of kissing to monitor mcs reaction. (and get lost in the moment.)
I wanted to have someone who was stills figuring it all out, who hasn't gotten to that point in life and who is fine with just being thenselves. M is s romantic, but they're fine with it just being from an outside perspective. M doesn't see why anyone would ever feel that way towards them.
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glassjoe · 1 year ago
I saw your post hihihi, could you write some Aran X reader headcanons? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Like how Aran would act in front of his beloved when he realised he has a crush on them?
hihi ! sorry this took a while, im a slow writer & ive been busy lol
okay so. tried my best. i went with the idea of reader/beloved being someone who works for the wvba but isnt a boxer, left it unspecific.
first few bullets are pre-crush/general hc stuff, then the stuff u actually asked for happens. im still figuring out how i wanna characterise these fucks so if it seems odd or ooc please lmk
aran ryan with a crush | headcanons! gn reader
cw brief mention of alcohol and vomiting. nothing huge, just mentioned in passing but slapped this here anyway. also penultimate bullet point is a bit sexual but again only brief, u can skip over it
Emotions aren't Aran's strong point. Most complex feelings he has are released in the ring--he finds bloody noses and bruised stomachs are far more interesting conversation partners anyway--and the ones that stay rooted deep in his belly are routinely sweat out or lost in the haze of a night on the town. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. Wallowing in it helps no one, after all.
But sometimes, a feeling in his gut won't get chased away as easily as, say, guilt or grief. A stubborn sort of stabbing, not unlike himself, gets tangled in his belly, too stuck for his stomach acid to burn through when wild nights come back for seconds.
As much as his thick skull in the ring would have you think otherwise, he's not dense. He knows what crushes are, had more than enough in secondary school, and he's not oblivious to it nor the source. He doesn't even know you *that* well--yet--but that's never stopped the heart from wanting.
cont under cut
There's no real "moment" he realises, no build-up, just sitting exhausted after a match well-won, and being now too tired to now fight the butterflies swarming his stomach or stop his eyes from following you as you pass by with a clipboard. He hides his gaze with a swig of water, drinking a bit more aggressively than he needs to and spills half of it, and by the time he recovers you've disappeared. The buzz in his gut doesn't fade, just deflates, and his hand meets his sodden hair with a half-hearted groan. Fuck.
For a while, he tries to shove it down. Where knuckles and bottles don't work, brute force emotional repression just might. "Not ready" to be tossed into dealings of love again, he'll try convince himself. Should that fail it's "Grown men don't have silly little crushes, make a move or get over yourself."
He's not as good at hiding his emotions as he'd have himself think. Just as he can't help a cruel grin in the ring, smiles find their way onto his face before he has a chance to realise he's pleased. What he intends to be a subtle smolder looks more like a hyena after a successful hunt, toothy and wide, with red blood swapped for rosy cheeks. Of course, he then attempts to recoup and snap his head away with an exaggerated frown, leaving you to wonder if he was happy to see you or wants to devour you.
Its embarrassing. He feels like a fawn, unable to properly control himself or function as soon as you step in the room. He swears all he has to do is smell you and his heart spikes not that he'd know what you smell like.
Pre-match, he doesn't want to see you. Or during, really. This suffocating adoration that came from nowhere has choked him enough to messing up in the lowest stake situations--he still gets teased over the time he intended to pass you your drink and full-hand knocked it over in his flushed haste--he doesn't want to risk it coming to bite him when it really matters. He makes a point to not provoke the audience close to staff, at risk of seeing your face--perhaps disappointed, perhaps amused--and throwing his game off.
And in turn, post-match is his favourite time to see you. Though Aran Ryan being calm will happen when pigs fly, the rush of a bout serves well to at least temper his energy a bit. Not as erratic, or bouncy, and a bit more in control of himself. Plus any fuckups can be blamed on muscle fatigue. You dote on him as best you can, he's noticed. Asking if he needs anything, offering to ease the strain rippling under his skin... Another bonus of being all tuckered is his face already being red and sweaty, so he's in no rush to hide flush that creeps up his neck as you fuss over him.
He'll make a show, teasing you for wanting to help, and as subtly as he can try to delve a little deeper, find out more about yourself. Whether you're working his wounds or jotting down on a clipboard, your company is exhilarating. It makes him giggle laugh. The insane cackle of a man has never sounded so nervous.
As he learns about you, as you grow closer and start meeting outside of designated hours, he feels both at ease and more tense. Scared of scaring you off, as he often finds he does, but he still won't dial himself back for your sake. Wants you to see him bear all and like him anyway. So he checks. He does what he wants, does his best to not act too different where it matters, and simply... checks. Waits for your reaction. His intention is to see if he should pursue, so to speak, that you simply enjoy him and his company regardless of his reputation or persona or who he is on a genuine level. As well as if, yeah, he didn't need to yell at that guy like that, that was just uncalled for. He's perhaps not the best judge on that end, though.
Speaking of trying not to act different, well, everyone acts a fool in love. He can certainly try, but an early 20s man in a male-dominated sport? There's at least a few masculinity issues trailing aftet him. He can't help but puff his chest out like a bird of paradise when you compliment him, or flex his arm when you so much as graze it. Simply can't stop himself from saying how he could protect you if you're walking through a forest, or wanting to compare hand sizes, regardless of your size compared to him.
Aran Ryan is still Aran Ryan. While there is an extent of not wanting to scare you off, he's not holding back on the name-calling or insults, no mattet how playful. He may dig too deep into genuinely sensitive areas though. Maybe he's still in denial about this, trying to prove it to himself. Or he's just not that great at boundaries.
He's nearly tripped over his own feet several times. One time you managed to grab his hoodie only to also fall onto his back. Nearly died, he swears. Cushioned your fall quite nicely at least. He'll want to make a lewd joke about it, but gets embarrassed as it leaves his mouth because he gets a mental image so it descends into stuttering and ends up insulting you instead to cover himself. Brilliant work Ryan really making yourself look great.
Aran's a mess of a man. He's all over the place. Stuck between wanting to impress you and staying true to himself unabashedly, and he finds doing both is very difficult. Past lovers compounded that. And as long as his affections remain unrequited or secret, that's not really going to change easily. Maybe its comfort he needs, or just a helping hand. Maybe you should say something...
GOD im so sorry this is SO all over the place i qrote this over several days so my flow wasnt there and i dont wanna put too much effort into thesee. i. need to write down how i charactetise these guys stat so im uh sorry if this is shit. i would have a nicer ending to out a ribbon on but idk how to end bullet point hc stuff so. enjoyyy
AND TY FOR REQUESRTING !!! as much as im bitching this was fun to do !!! and also feel free to send more of these in !! i can do more like this or i can do thise ones that like its a scenario and all the boxers react to it those seem fun
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realcube · 7 months ago
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ CHARACTER GENERATOR for @isadollie
𓆩♡𓆪 part of my lovers level — 3k follower event
𓆩♡𓆪 chosen trope: best friends to lovers
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ YOUR CHARACTER IS...
YOU: [video of one of those really tiny cats waddling around] TADASHI: LOL that reminds me of the cat i saw at the park the other day 😂 so cute YOU: what!? you went to the park without me?! 😭🥺 TADASHI: just on a walk 😓 we can go tomorrow morning if you want? YOU: yes pls! TADASHI: okay 😄 see you then!
the next day, at around 10AM, there is a gentle knock at your door. you knew it was yamaguchi because he texted that he was on his way over, so you were ready by the door, hurriedly pulling your shoes on while clumsily unlocking the door.
once it swings open, you flash him a brief smile, while yamaguchi is already beaming at you. "ready to go?" he asks.
exiting the house, you fumble with your keys a bit as you lock the door behind you, then stuff them into your bag again. "yes!" you nod firmly, happily skipping off to the pavement, and yamaguchi hastily follows suit.
"did you remember your phone?" he inquires with a polite smile.
your eyes widen as you frantically pat down your pockets, then rummage through your bag. thankfully you didn't have to poke around much before you found it, "yes, i did." you huff a faint sigh of relief out from your nose.
"that's good." yamaguchi knows that you like to double-check these things so it's become second nature to him to prompt you. not that he minds, in fact, he finds it pretty endearing how thorough you are. "anyway, the weather is perfect today. sunny but breezy and not too warm. we should go for walks more often." he muses as the two of you head down the street together, with the park in mind as the destination.
"and spend more time with you than i already have to? no thanks." you say, half-joking. because although it's true that you and yamaguchi are already together quite a lot — at college or otherwise — you didn't mind at all. he was your best friend after all and you enjoyed every second you spent with each other, but you liked teasing him even more.
tadashi furrows his eyebrows, and retorts, "you're the one who got mad when i went to park without you!"
"because how dare you!"
tadashi playfully rolls his eyes at you, and as you are approaching the park, he notices a bulletin board adjacent to the entrance, filled with fliers and posters about events happening in the surrounding community. changing the subject almost immediately, he says, "let's see what's there." and you hum in agreement.
you both approach the conjested board and search through the dozens of paper for anything that interests the two of you.
"look! for you and tsukishima." you jokingly motion to a promotional poster for the local boy scouts patrol.
yamaguchi chuckles, then goes back to looking through the board. "what about this for you?" he shows you a advertisement for a party entertainers company that is looking to recruit princesses for kids parties.
you start to laugh at the joke but it slowly fades away as you notice yamaguchi doesn't reciprocate. in fact, he is looking at you with gooey eyes and an soft smile that doesn't falter, which gives you the inkling that he might be serious "do you really think they'd hire me as a princess?"
yamaguchi shrugs, eyes shifting back onto the bulletin board, "yeah, why not? you're pretty and kind. those are the only requirements."
you bite your lips and furrow your eyebows, unsure of the sensations that stirred inside you upon hearing him call you that, but you try your best to brush it off for now.
though it's not long before yamaguchi turns to you again, showing you a new poster, "hey, look! our college is having bake-off."
you quickly peek over, excited at the prospect of a fun anf friendly competition where you get to eat dessert at the end. but your face soon dropped into a frown as you read the flier and realised, "tadashi, only couples are allowed to compete in pairs."
"i wouldn't mind entering with you." he immediately replies.
"i appreciate that," you smile gently, standing shoulder to shoulder with him and looking into his eyes, "but we shouldn't lie about being a couple just to qualify. that's silly. and if they find out, it'd be embarrassing."
"i mean— we don't have to lie—" tadashi gulps, wide-eyed with his gaze fixated on the board before him, unable to muster up the courage to face you, "—we could compete as a couple for real."
you stare wordless at the side of his face, where you can see a red hot blush creeping up his neck to his freckled cheeks. amidst the silence, he glances at you out of the corner of his eyes and tenses up, then splutters, "bu— but we don't have to if you don't want to! it was just a suggestion. i know we're friends and if you don't want to ruin that i understa—"
you lean forward and place a delicate kiss on his cheek, "i'd love to, tadashi."
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for @isadollie: i thought bokuto or maybe terushima at first buuut cat reels, sweet treats and best friends to lovers is so yamaguchi coded it's unreal. anyway hope you enjoy <3
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namnamcat · 6 months ago
AU 😇
Since I'm too lazy to make headcanons (I promise, there will be a Specter Knight soon), I decided to tell you about a little Au? I don't know if you can call him that, especially since my friend and I came up with only a couple of knights
It all started with the King Knight, we thought: "what if he was raised not by a kind mother, but by a strict father?". Then his whole company is built on the father's desire to make "something useful" out of his son. His father is one of those who used physical force in his upbringing and simply beat him for any actions, so the King Knight became more aggressive in some matters. The King Knight hates his father immensely, but cannot get off anything for him out of fear. At the end of the company, he would have taken the throne, but his father was still unwilled. The King Knight would have told him everything! That he did not want this power, the kingdom, he did all THIS only by the will of his father and probably threw him into prison (this is where he belongs). And so, the King Knight has become less narcissistic, instead he is quiet and always on edge to strike first in danger! He also gets along well with children and probably just wants to draw, something stupid and play catch-up
Next was Specter Knight. Now he is not a dead guy closed in on himself, but kindly kind to everyone and everything. He rubs into your trust, pretending to be a friend for many years, and in the end uses you for his own benefit (yes, yes, this is about you, Luan). The Specter Knight betrays Luan in the battle with the Shield Knight on purpose, so as not to divide the loot. After that, everything goes like in the original company, only the character of the Specter Knight is changed. Probably, the Black Knight guesses and directly points out the pretense of the Specter Knight, but he just doesn't care. In this case, the relationship between Specter Knight and King Knight is more friendly contrary to the original. They may have small skirmishes based on misunderstanding and aggression King Knight, but otherwise they are good acquaintances. We haven't thought about Reize, but most likely Specter Knight just doesn't care about him (?)
Plague Knight and Mona. HOHOHO. There are two ways to develop the plot:
1.In fact, their original branch, but in the course of the plot, their love fades and they decide to break up. Most likely, Mona will simply leave Plague Knight at the end.
2.From hatred to love. They appear as the greatest enemies of the alchemists. They play dirty tricks on each other's way, trying to brew the potion of absolute power first, of course, to show which of them is cooler. As a result, Mona and Plague Knight will come to the conclusion that it is simply impossible to brew a potion without each other's skills and they begin to cooperate. After getting to know each other better while working together, they fall in love. After that comes the canonical story of the game
Mole Knight came out bad and his changes are more like a joke lol. For me, he is a strong leader, ready to lead anyone (he was literally for the same with the fish, and then the moles..). Therefore, in this version, he is a..... ✨Recluse!✨. He lives quietly underground in the hope that no one will ever find him, and excavations are his little hobby. He doesn't like the Tinker Knight, but the Treasure Knight scares him (In canon Treasure Knight and the Mole Knight agreed that the Mole Knight would leave the underwater expanses. In this version, well, most likely the Mole Knight saw a shady guy claiming his house and dumped him until he was found)
Treasure Knight has simply become less greedy and is probably throwing money right and left. Maybe he got into debt and is simply financially illiterate. He has found other people's treasures, appropriated it for himself and enjoys it
Propeller Knight is now a real ruthless air pirate, ready to live on blood for fun. He is no longer flirtatious, although women and men still admire him only because of his good looks. He is a real moral freak who is strongly romanticized
And the last one is Tinker Knight. Now he is a lazy man who makes bad cars that break down every other day, no one knows how he was even taken into the order and most importantly, why? He is a petty boor and impudent sticking your slippers to the floor because you spoke badly of him. We thought that his encounter with the Mole Knight was EXTREMELY STRANGE and accidental. You know, Tinker Knight was just checking one of his bad cars and the Mole Knight fell through the ground (he escaped through one of his wormholes). In short, Tinker Knight thinks the Mole Knight is strange
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uchihakeimei · 10 months ago
The simp-ification of Kaisagi is my 13th reason, I'm not even gonna lie chief. Why, whyyy are most Kiis fics like that. Why is Isagi always the poor submissive uke who cries and begs, like, have you seen THEM?? Are y'all sure that any of them would be screaming and crying?? Let's be real, if Isagi saw Kaiser choking himself he would lend a helping hand 😭 God they're so amazing. And crazy. And sick. And batshit insane. I love them a normal amount, I swear-
And I love red-flag-Kaiser. Him being a total asshole, the master of gaslightining, of poor excuses and ghosting. The dude does NOT know how to handle a healthy relationship. He would go crazy if Isagi ever tried to ghost him for a whole day, though. Like, the nerve.
I'm absolutely living for the current Kaiser, crumbling and falling into desperation. I need to see him at his lowest, where not even Ness can help him up. I need to see Isagi step on him and rise. Yet I don't know how this will conciliate with my desire to see PXG win… My boy Rin needs to step on both of them and take his rightful crown. Ugh, I just love all of them. Can't both teams win?? Ego can change football rules, right??
(You brought up two ships that I absolutely despise too, NaruHina and SasuSaku. I barely consider them canon since it's just a poor attempt of catering to heteronormativity. To me they don't even exist. Yes, I do dislike Kainess, but not this much, at least it makes sense somehow. But Kishimoto straight up decided to pull these two ships out of his sorry ass lmfao) I sure would love to say that I miss Naruto, but then I end up remembering that shitty ending and the nostalgia fades… I do really miss its villains though!
Facts, sister.
I have never really understood the attraction in one person of a pairing being absolutely down bad for the other- like, is it really fun when it's so one sided?
In some fics, you can just see the author bias, like its so blatant- one partner is absolutely on their knees for the other.
(Although, I don't exactly mind if it's a pwp, iykwim, it's okay if that's Isagi's kink, no kinkshaming here ;p
Is it unrealistic? Possibly.
Is it kinda hot? Yes)
What really grinds my gears are the character driven fics in which none of them are actually in character.
I see this a lot in Victuuri fics too- some make Yuuri a total BAMF Badass and Victor's completely down bad for him- to the point that Victor's always the one apologising, no matter if Yuuri is in the wrong too.
Kaiser and his everything- character style, arc, personality- is so delicious, I just wanna gobble him up lol
If only everyone could win in a football match... (Ego make it happen please)
NaruHina and SasuSaku... I could rant about these two ships and the travesty that was the ending all day.
Hinata and Sakura and their obsession over those two was so pathetic. The fact that the boys were given to them as reward for persevering in their love makes me want to kill something. And everything after the war arc ended was a way rapidly drive off all the fans of the series.
Like, even if you somehow look past their shitty marriages of convenience and the sheer insult that was The Last, what the fuck was that Hokage Inauguration episode. The sheer anger I feel at the thought of that episode and the fact that people defend that bullshit is going to make me end up at the therapist. Naruto not getting to attend his own inauguration as Hokage was a garbage joke and nothing and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
Sasuke and Naruto deserved to end up together- and no, them being spirit brothers is a garbage reason to not ship them because it's not even fucking true. Transmigration and reincarnation are not synonyms, people.
Personally, I think Kishimoto also wanted them to end up together, but he wasn't allowed to do that. The official art is so couple-y, it's not even subtle. To say nothing of what he wrote in his own series.
Indeed KaiNess makes a hell of a lot more sense then SasuSaku and NaruHina. Atleast Kaiser and Ness are friends- toxic yes, but still friends.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months ago
hihi I'm back again, and here to ask who in the cast you think has the skill to do hair/up do's?
I'm 5'9, but my hair is now down to my mid thigh, and like around three feet long ?? I haven't chopped it since 2018, only trimmed it. Yet I only know how to do a simple braid, my hair basically lives in a low ponytail lol (though my mom will still do my hair if I ask her for help, which I'm grateful for)
anyway I got to read vol 2 of the manga and I remembered that the artist drew their interpretation of Lilith. So, it made me wonder if Beel or Belphie would know how to do hair, since they were the closest to her, and if she ever asked them for help?
I think Levi would be able to follow any tutorial, or figure out how to do something by trial and error since he cosplays (I bet he made his ruri-chan wig himself). I'd love to show him a picture of the heroine from whatever anime I'm watching and ask if he could help me recreate their style
Asmo we've seen in the dame cards, he's done some cute hairstyles!! I bet I could go to him if I had a fancy event.
I still think about Mammon's dame card... The chokehold it has on me is wild. We saw him do his own make-up in the art, and I think it was said he made his own outfit. So he's a maybe I could go to him? Or he'd put a lot of effort into learning because he knows it'd make me happy lolol
Barbatos also looks really pretty in the dame card !! I haven't read that devilgram, so idk if he did it himself, but what can't he do? I know in TTWF devilgram he literally makes MC's outfit and it made me SWOON
my last thought is if you can just do stuff with magic instead. Does it drain your energy to keep the style, or is it a one and done kinda spell, and don't gotta worry about it? Could a really powerful sorcerer change their hair color, and never have to worry about it fading? That'd be really cool, since I need to re dye the streaks in my hair. That would save lots of money LOL
okay I'm done 😅 time to wait ten billion years for my hair to dry now and try drawing (aiming for every other day to create something new to get better!!)
- ✨ anon
HOW do you handle having hair that long?!?
I'm 5'7" and I used to have my hair down to my low back. It was during the pandemic when I couldn't exactly go get it cut, so I just let it grow lol. And it grows dang fast, but I don't think I've ever had it past the low back area??? Do you accidentally sit on it sometimes? Or is it usually okay because you have it tied back?
All I know is I was so relieved to chop it all off lol! It's super short now, which is how I like it. It takes me ten minutes to wash and style it. I just don't have the patience to maintain it when it's long. And it's naturally curly, so having it short also means I can just let it curl and not worry about it. Ah but I am pretty envious because I always wanted to be able to have one of those really long, thick braids...
Anyway, getting off topic here, back to the question! I do think magic can be used to alter hair! I think sometimes you can get stuff that's temporary (I do believe there was a daily chat about this where Asmo put some kind of potion or something on Lucifer and Mammon?), but I would be surprised if there wasn't some kind of magic spell to permanently keep your hair whatever color you want. I think it's probably just a one and done situation so you wouldn't have to maintain it. Or at least, they'd want to develop something like that because otherwise it wouldn't be worth it right?
As for the characters, I agree with your assessments! I do think in a general sense, they'd all try their best to do your hair if you needed them to.
But as for who would already be capable without having to learn first, I think Asmo is a top contender. Barb can absolutely do anything and I don't doubt that styling hair is something a good butler should know.
I think Levi is another good option for the same reasons you said! I think he probably does have some skill at wig styling! And due to his ability to do costuming in general, I kinda think he'd be able to do a good job on real hair as well if he wanted to.
I love the idea of Beel and Belphie being good at it because of Lilith. Like I'm imagining they only know some really basic styles that were her favorites, but they're happy to do them for you any time. Maybe they get a little misty eyed while doing it because it reminds them of her so much. Awww...
I actually think Lucifer would do a good job, too, but expect to be sitting around for hours because he's gonna make sure no hair is out of place. Only perfection will suffice.
I think Mammon probably mastered whatever style he needed for his dame outfit, but I do think he would learn for you if you wanted him to.
Satan probably already learned from a book or maybe just from watching Asmo doing his hair. But I could see him wanting to do really elaborate styles or maybe using magic to style your hair.
I think Solomon would also be someone you could try, but he would absolutely use magic. I think if you really wanted him to, he would know how to do simple styles by hand. I could see him being really happy to carefully braid your hair by hand. But he wouldn't be able to resist a little bit of magic, maybe to give it an extra sparkle or a streak of color~ I think he'd develop all kinds of hair styling magic if you wanted him to lol.
Diavolo strikes me as willing but perhaps not the best at this particular thing... he doesn't exactly have experience with his own hair.
And I'm not sure about Simeon. I feel like he's pretty competent (except for technology obviously), so he would probably be able to learn how to do it fairly easily. But I don't know if he'd already have some knowledge. Same with Raphael. Though I love the idea of both of them like... doing the hair of little angels~
Mephisto would know about a bunch of fancy Devildom styles, but would he be able to do them? I think you might end up with your hair braided like a horse's mane instead.
Thirteen would know how to do everything. She's got her own long hair and there's no way that she hasn't experimented with it over the years! I love the idea of her doing your hair and her own hair in the same style so you match.
Anyway, I hope you have been able to get some drawing done! Every other day is an excellent goal! I'm rooting for you!!
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i-love-you-all · 5 months ago
We both had a knife
AO3 Link || Youtube Link (Song inspo)
A bit of backstory on this is that I was thinking about a Viper/Omen fic. Playing a bit on my other drabble for this pair and the revelation of how Omen turned... into Omen. Obv, I have a lot of incomplete fics tho so maybe not now... And again, this was originally for Whumptober, but I'm giving up on that lol
~1.4k Words: implied death.
Though scientifically inaccurate, vipers and shadows could go hand in hand. They were both seen as “evil”, and they were widely feared. Was that why Omen found comfort in Viper when they first met? The comfort that there was someone here just as monstrous as him, even if she didn’t look like it?
Like Cypher once noted in a short exchange in the armoury, Omen had never met a “doctor” like her. Someone who viewed humans as just a pest — something to get rid of when convenient. Maybe it was because he wasn’t exactly human that she was ok with him. Maybe he was so quiet, that he has yet to fully draw her ire.
Maybe she did know who he was before he became this ghost, and her guilt prevented her from lashing out at him. But if that last one was true, it went against everything else he had said about her. Mainly, it suggested that she pitied him — and it would mean that she wasn’t as cold or monstrous as him. So, what set him apart?
A stranger to their strange dynamic would call it attraction, but they would surely die at the hands of Viper for a comment like that. What others called closeness, he saw as distance. She did not need to rebuke him ever since she never let him get close enough to be able to affect her that way. In that way, she was much closer with the likes of Jett, Raze, or Killjoy. At least she paid enough attention to those agents to know when they were performing poorly.
It took one syllable to change that dynamic completely. Fred was a name, and it was a name that was directed at Omen. It was then when that seed of doubt was planted because, despite her continued appearance of ignorance, he knew otherwise.
Omen spent hours after that talk thinking about one name. He could only assume that was his name — Fred. Unassuming, perhaps the short form for a name like Frederick? Frederico? What else could he think of? And what did “Fred” do for a living? Was he just some innocent bystander? Like a mailman that one day found himself in a facility crumbling down on itself? And while everyone else escaped, Fred was trapped inside, exposed to enough raw radianite to strip him of his memories and physical form? And if that was the case, did Fred have a family? Friends? People who would ask where he went? Or perhaps Fred was better off dead.
No matter how much he tried to think back, to grasp onto any hint of a memory he could think of, there were no answers in his mind. All it ended up doing was expose him to every peaceful, calm life that he could’ve had. Might’ve had. Probably didn’t have but apparently, he liked to torture himself by dreaming of it.
For a long time after that slip up from Viper, he wondered if the Omen from the other dimension knew something. That version of Earth had already had Radianite for decades. If that Omen was also the first Radiant, then surely, he would know something more. It was a singular fixation that drove Omen forward in every mission from that point onwards. He requested to be set against the other Omen as often as he could, and in every possible opportunity, he tried to hunt them down to ask the one question that had been plaguing his mind.
The closest he ever got though was when they faced off once across a site. Omen saw the other fade back, a sign that they were going to back off for good, and he took his chance to chase after them. Sova called for him to come back, but this was far too important, and he could always explain his reasoning to Sova later, if still needed.
Just as the other Omen started to fade into the surrounding shadows, he did the only thing he could think of and ask, “Who were we?”
All he got in response was a laugh. One last cruel gift because it seemed like this Omen knew the answer, and he also knew how much the question stung. But he would not grant any peace.
Omen didn’t get an answer until he met Iso. He had been on a scan for anything he could relate to since that final encounter with the other Omen, but he had been unsuccessful. There was no trace of a past identity, no missing persons, and no other leads. Iso was the first time he saw himself in someone else.
Iso had described being a “ghost”. That he had vague memories of what he did for work, and yet he had no idea about who or what he was actually trying to accomplish. In some ways, it was the same as Omen’s ghost history as well.
He listened to every word Iso said in their interactions together. But Brimstone wouldn’t hear him on the similarities. It was always another mission, another target, another person that they needed to reach out to and bring to a separate point.
Finally, Omen’s patience snapped, pushed on by the revelation from Iso that no, he wasn’t some poor sap with a spotty memory and ulterior motives. He said that he was sent here for Omen and Omen only. And that for once, Omen had a solid lead. At once, he demanded a mission to the headquarters.
That night, Viper actually sought him out. From their tenuous friendship, despite how long they’ve known each other, Omen never expected this.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Viper asked.
He didn’t give a response. She had a point to this line of questioning, that much was clear. Even without any facial clues to give it away, he could read her well. They were as close to being friends as they could be. He supposed this was proof, even if he had his doubts.
“What do you know?”
“Nothing that will help you.”
That’s when her face… broke. That was the best way Omen could describe it. Sabine looked… sad.
“I will be fine,” he said cautiously. Was that what she was concerned about? Sabine reached up, as if she were going to grab his hood, but then she pulled back. “Nothing is going to change. But I will have my answers.”
She nodded then walked away without another word.
That was an odd interaction, there was no doubt about that, but it didn’t make sense until he was trapped in stasis. Perhaps the was the face of this man in front of him, or the floating rock this was built on, or even the shooting pains caused by this… contraption.
But between the pangs of pain, he saw bits and pieces. The vial thrown against his face, the shove, the sound of pounding glass… He lived through it again, and he watched as Sabine take small steps back as the machine whirred and as what felt like burning hot needles pierced through his hazmat suit. Though it hurt, and it was clear now that he had failed his mission, he also had that sudden realization that in this memory, he also shared some of the sadness with Sabine, along with the horror and desperation to escape what was coming.
It took all his strength to gather the bits and pieces that constituted his physical form and channel his energy into escaping this beam. He looked at his former boss until he reformed right next to him. Before the man could take any action, Omen dug his claws into the man and threw him out the window. As he watched the bits of glass fall beside the fading figure, he realized something.
Then there was one more memory, one that leaked in like a runny tap that wasn’t done yet.
It was Sabine, younger than he remembered meeting her. The door to this contraption had opened again, and she was reaching for him. To his horror he still grabbed her wrist like he was going to go through with the original plan. Even his own feelings didn’t match the action, and he saw the momentary fear in her eyes. Then, his world started to fade again.
Though she was apprehensive, especially with the wrist on her hands, she asked, “Why? I thought… I thought you…”
Just before he closed his eyes and passed onto whatever was next, he heard her say, “It’s ok. I… I’ll bring you back. Even if you meant it.”
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